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Wing foil lessons
for all levels and ages

For a few years now, wingfoil, a sport that is a mix between winsurfing and wave surfing, has established itself on beaches at an international level. There are numerous advantages of this sport, it has a fast educational progression, is easy to assemble and transport, and no particular physical performance is required.

Certainly those who are already windsurfers have a good advantage, even those who already know how to sail in general but it is still possible to start even without any experience. The lessons are aimed at everyone, starting from 12 years old, with different teaching progressions.

Generally with the high pressure the afternoon is ideal for the lesson, taking advantage of a north-west thermal wind, to organize better we do not establish a certain time for the lesson but we follow the weather conditions

Basic lesson plan:

  • Learning to control the wing
  • Transporting the equipment safely


From Easter to October.


Single lesson 1 person 1h 70€

Single lesson 2 people 120€

Course in group (max 4 pax) 4 lessons 1h 1/2 250€

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